The diamond improves some defensive stats. It also gains the "American support unit" ability. Depending on its rank it'll boost all your American units with +1/+1, +2/+2 or +3/+3.
Still I feel that the biggest advantage this unit has to offer is its promoting ability and the epic elite already has that.
So far now, I think I'm sticking with the epic elite.
The difference between this diamond and the epic elite version is that it gains +1/+1 on all ranks. It also gains the "deploy" ability. Which is probably the best of both differences.
Considering the amount of expensive stronghold blueprints this unit requires to craft it into a diamond I'm not sure if this will be worth the investment.
If you'd compare this diamond to the epic elite you'll see that it has better stats: +1/+1 on all ranks. This may look like a small improvement but remember that this plane does tripple damage on its attack. It also gains the "American elite plane" ability. To me this is the biggest improvement this diamond has to offer. On promote it'll boost your other American planes in play. If you're after an American Airforce deck then this diamond is really worth spending blueprints on. This is where it'll be at it's best. In any other deck combined with aircraft it's useful too but less.
This diamond is far better than the epic elite version: It has better stats (+1/+1 on all ranks) and it gains the "flag promotion" abiltiy (it gets a new flag when you promote it again). 1st promotion only 1 action point! In other words:
1) put it play on a lane where you need it the most, it's protected by a flag;
2) turn opponent, can't damage you in that lane;
3) your turn, protmote it again, it gets a new flag and (being fast) maneuver it to to a lane where you'll need it the most
4) etc. (haven't even discussed damage dealing yet)
Definately worth crafting into a diamond.
Although, I'd often like my promoting units to come into play, promote, swallow up some enemydage, die and come back to me,.. this one is a bit different. It has far better defensive stats and a far better machine gun. (it does tripple damage instead of double). Your opponent will think twice before deciding to destroy it or not. It's a really nice diamond, especially in an American deck combined with American armored forces
Craft it!? I'd sure would do so.
The only difference between this diamond and the epic elite is that this diamond has the "Navy Ability" If you can play 2 ships in one turn: Play this one first and the other one won't cost you an action point.
So the answer to the question whether it's worth crafting or not is very simple: If you're after a deck with American Navy in it then this is surely worth spending (expensive) sealord blueprints on to craft it into a diamond. Otherwise don't.
As far as I can see this diamond only improves stats (and only on rank 2 and 3) if you'd compare it to the legendary elite. That's it.
It'll be no surprise that making this diamond requires a lot of resources. What you'll get is 2 more damage on on rank 2 and 6 more damage on rank 3.
I think the input (to craft it to diamond) and output (benefits of making it diamond) is rather outbalanced.
I'd stick with the legendary elite if I were you.
First of all, if you're not after a deck with American Navy in it than this card is not worth crafting,...
Crafting it into a diamond requires (stronghold) blueprints.
This diamond outscores the epic elite on stats, on the boost it provides to your other American ships in play and it has a better flag raising ability.
Especially, the flag raising ability is very nice. The epic elite protects itself with it. The diamond let's you decide on what unit you'd put the flag on. That's an improvement because the structure does its boosting on the end of your turn.
Definately better than the epic elite!
If you're into American Armor then this diamond is a dream come true. Forget about the crazy promotion costs this unit has. It's all about the abilty that this diamond comes with: This diamond will promote all your other American armored units you have in play at the end of your turn. In other words: The same turn you've played it! The legendary elite does the same thing except at the start of your (next) turn. Your opponents turn is in between. Finally, the diamond also has better stats and it also gains brutality.
It's a lot of resources crafting it but it'll be the pearl of your American armored forces.
The big difference between the epic elite and this diamond lies one the ability. Stats are exactly the same and both have "deploy" and "flight."
The diamond 'll destroys an enemy ship/plane at the same rank or lower. The epic elite will damage an enemy ship/plane when it comes into play. The higher the rank, the more damage it'll do. In theory you could get a situation that this diamond comes into play and it can't destroy an enemy unit (because all enemy ships/plane have a higher rank) in that case the epic elite is better. But you'd probably play a different card. The diamond is better but crafing isn't cheap.
The only difference between the diamond and the epic elite is that the diamond comes with a machine gun (double damage) and the epic elite doesn't.
If you're up against a navy deck then both the epic elite and the diamond are very nice. But this is quite a condition that has to be met before this card pays off. Also, if you'd want to benefit from the flag raising abiltiy this unit has to offer, you'd have to play it and promote in the same turn.
Considering that crafting here requires (expensive) stronghold blueprints,.. I'd search for better purposes.
The diamond and the legendary elite are almost exactly the same, except the diamond has the "flag promotion" ability and the legendary elite hasn't.
Both (the diamond and the legendary elite) are capable of promoting a friendly American infantry or armored unit when it comes into play. To me, that's the most important ability.
However, protecting yourself (and this unit) in a lane by promoting it is also a nice feature.
Considering the high crafting cost (it needs stronghold blueprints) I'd stick with the legendary ellite for now.
I think that the diamond outscores the epic elite on nearly all fronts: It has better defensive stats and both abilities are improved (better).
The reason you'd play this diamond (and the epic elite) is for the boosting your other American units in play: It's not restricted to infantry, it'll boost all your units as long as they're American. The first promotion is only 1 action point.
The diamond will boost at the end and at the start of your turn. The epic elite will add up their boosting abilities and boost it all on the start of your turn. It's worth a try.
This is a very good example of a bad diamond. If you'd compare it to it's epic elite version than you'll see that the diamond only improves stats. On rank 1 it'll get (only) +1 health, on rank 2 and 3 it's attacking stats get a +1 as well. The defensive stats on rank 2 and 3 are reasonable.
However, if only this is worth spending your blueprints on? I'd forget this diamond very soon and focus on other crafting possiblities.
The diamond has better stats at rank 2 and 3 than the epic elite has. It also gets to become "American elite infantry".
Being elite infantry will boost your other American infantry when you promote it.
So, if you're after an American infantry deck than this card can be really helpful and in that case it'll be worth crafting blueprints.
The diamond is really much better than the epic elite:
1. it gets +1/+1 on all ranks;
2. it gains brutality;
3. it gives slow to all enemy units instead of 1.
Of course, this diamond will be at its best in an American armored deck. It also could be useful in a different deck you'd wanne make.
Worth spending blueprints on? Yeah, there's a lot of improvement here.
The epic elite and this diamond are almost the same. The only difference is that the diamond gains the "American Squadron" ability. This may seem a small improvement but if you're after an American Airforce deck it's a very big difference: It's the difference between an extra action point or not.
I'd say if you have 5 or more American planes in your deck than this card is worht crafting into a diamond.
Unfortenately, crafting requires (expensive) sealord blueprints, but it'll be worth it.
This diamond is way better than the legendary elite and has (finally) been given a decent ability. First of all, if you're not after an American Airforce deck then don't bother crafting this unit into diamond. Secondly, once you've got it diamond it'll present a new challenge to you: How to get the most out of its (aerial raising) ability. I suppose it'll require a lot of thinking and planning. Still, it's a good card and I'm glad to see that it finally got a decent ability making it worth crafting.
Again, it's a card that supports your other American Airforce!
The diamond has the "Flag Promotion" ability and the epic elite hasn't,... And that's the only difference there is.
This unit comes into play with a flag and everytime you'd promote it gets a new one. So basically, it's an unstoppable booster!
As long as the units (which) receive the boost this diamond provides survive your opponents turn then you really got something going here.
Worth crafting? I'd say yes !!
The diamond comes with a small improvement on defensive stats. So its survivability increases a bit. It also gains the "anti-tank" ability which is nice if you're up against a deck with armor/panzer in it, without them it's a useless ability.
Overall, if I'd compare the legendary elite with the diamond and take into consideration what an effort it would take to make it diamond than I'm not that convinced that this will be worth all those resources. I guess America has a lot better cards worth spending your blueprints on.
The diamond not only improves stats it also gains the "reinfornced" ability. It makes this diamond ( on rank 2 and 3) a lot harder to kill.
Both, the epic elite and the diamond are able to promote another friendly American ship and are machine gun units. Another thing is its cheap 1st promotion cost.
This will present your opponent with a difficult choice: Kill it, and it'll return to promote another ship in play. Don't kill it and suffer the machinegun damage.
I think, this is a good card to craft, although it'll take a lot of resources to craft.
If you're after an American infantry and/or armored deck than this diamond is a very nice addition to it. This diamond is really a lot better than the epic elite version.
The elite has the "American Hero" ability. The diamond hasn't anymore but it gains the " American Ground Superiority" ability which is much better: After you've put this unit in play, you can play your next infantry or armored unit in play for free.
So, if you're after an American infantry and/or armored deck you will not be sorry for crafting this unit into a diamond.
The only difference you'll find between this diamond and the legendary elite is that the word "start (of the turn)" has been replaced by: "end (of the turn)."
This diamond submarine promotes all your other American navy (ship) units at the end of your turn. So, the same turn you've put it into play. If you're playing an American navy deck than this diamond is really a monster.
Crafting cost is also huge but what you'll get in return doesn't get any better than this.
This diamond has the same stats as the legendary elite. The abilities are also the same, except the diamond has both abilities improved!
-At the end of the turn that it 'll promote itself. (your opponent will never face this unit at rank 1).
- As soon as this unit reaches rank 3 (your next turn, if it doesn't get destroyed), it will boost your other American units at the end of your turn with +3/+3.
The legendary elite does the same thing, only at the start of the turn. Shortly, this diamond is a lot better and worth crafting, but crafting cost is huge.
This diamond can't be crafted. If you're lucky you've obtained it for joining/finishing a Midway raid.
Besides a machine-gun it also has another ability:"War at sea." This ability will improve its attacking stats when it comes into play.
So to get the most (best attacking stats) out of this unit you'll have to play this card first.
Of course, if you'd promote it, it'll get its normal stats (without the boost), but it's a promise to more and better stats in the future once your opponent destroys it.
The diamond gets better stats (+1/+1 on all ranks) and it has a better (improved) barrage ability. On rank 2 this bomber will bomb the same amount of damage the legendary elite does at rank 3. On rank 3 this diamond bomber will bomb even 5 (barrage) damage.
I think that this bomber gets its best ability when you'd craft it form legendary to legendary elite: It then gains the "American equipment."
So, I'm not so sure crafting this plane into a diamond will be worth the blueprints.
First thing you'd notice, if you'd compare this diamond to the legendary elite, is that the diamond has far worse attacking stats. However, the the diamond has a better machine-gun: It'll do triple damage. Both (the legendary elite and the diamond) can be equipped for free with an American item.
Without an item, the legendary elite outscores the diamond in attacking damage on nearly all fronts.
With an item, the legendary elite outscores the diamond most of the time too.
My advice, stick with legendary elite and do not spend your blueprints on crafting this unit into a diamond.
This diamond improves stats (+1/+1) on all ranks. It also gains another abilty: "Flag Promotion."
Just like the epic elite this unit will come into play and it's protected by a flag. Everytime you'd promote it gains a new flag. It'll be no surprise that this unit will be at its best in an American infantry deck. If you're interested in such a deck than this card could be worth crafting into a diamond. It could be usefull in other decks too. However, I guess the epic elite will work just fine.
This diamond improves stats: (+1/+1 on rank 1 and +2/+2 on rank 2 and 3). It also improves its grenade ability: It deals 1 more damage on rank 1 and 2, it deals 2 more damage on rank 3.
I never liked the epic. And I don't like the epic elite and this diamond. At rank 3 this tank is pretty tough and it'll probably be able to do some grenade damage to your opponent.
If that's the way you like to play (it sure isn't mine) than craft it. I know for sure that I won't.
The diamond improves better attacking stats: +2 on rank 1 and +3 on rank 2 and rank 3. It also gets its ability (American comrade) improved: On promote you'll now get +8 healthpoints for the first promotion and +15 on its final promotion. The epic elite heals +5 (1st) and +10 (final).
The epic already has (to me: its main ability:) Mercenary! This ability allows you to play this plane for free. Even as a diamond I don't see the use of this unit as a game-changer or as a way to regain the initiative. However, it still can be useful in a US airforce deck. But so is the epic elite.
Overall, I wouldn't craft it into a diamond.
The epic elite and the diamond both have the "American Division" ability. If you're building an American infantry deck than that's an ability that can surely improve that deck.
Now the diamond has better stats and it also has the "Flag promotion" ability. It'll get a flag if you promote and the 1st promotion cost is very cheap (only 1 action point). But it doesn't come into play with a flag! So, you get to play a next unit for free but you have to promote this one to get it flagged. I guess, you could see it as an advantage as well.
Conclusion: If you're building an infantry deck then this diamond could be worth considering crafting.
The diamond improves defensive stats (+1 on rank 1,2 and +2 on rank 3). It also gains the "Flag Promotion" ability (it gets protected by a flag when you promote it). Flag promotion doesn't mean it enters play protected by a flag. Notice that this is a machine-gun unit. The trouble with machine-guns is that it'll only do double damage on attack. So you'll need it to get it into an attacking position. Flag promotion combined with machine-gun could be a very nice combo to get that job done. As part of an infantrydeck I'd definately would like to craft this one in a diamond.
This diamond gets a lot better stats once you've crafted it.
On rank 1 (+2/+2) on rank 2 (+4/+4) and on rank 3 (+6/+6).
Besides the impressive boost on stats this diamond also gets crippled: You cannot equip it anymore.
Both the diamond and the epic elite are vulnerable to confusion.
I think that this diamond tank could be a nice addition to your US armored deck. So it's not bad, but I can think a few other American armored units I'd prefer to craft before I'd start with this one.
Both the epic elite and this diamond have the "American Navy" ability. So if you're after an American ship deck than this in one of the abilities that really will improve your deck.
Is it worth crafting into a diamond? I'd say no.
The diamond gets better stats and combine that with the machine-gun than you really got something good going on.
Crafting this unit requires (expensive) sealord blueprints. Also the epic elite already has a machne-gun. The diamond is harder to kill and its damage-output is a bit better.
I'd stick with the epic elite,...
It'll be no surprise that this diamond outscores the epic elite on all fronts. Is it better than the origanl diamond?
The original diamond has better defensive stats, but that's about it. The Battle Pass diamond is better: The original diamond only deals its grenade damage at the start of your turn. This diamond deals less (grenade) damage but it'll do so at the start and the end of your turn (same turn you've played it). Add it up and it'll outscore the original.
It's a nice addition to the game but still not my way to play it.
I'll understand if you'd craft it, but I won't,...
This diamond (battle pass) medal is surely better than the epic elite: It'll not only boost the unit you equip it on, it also will boost all your other American units in play.
But is it better than the (diamond) original? I do think so.
The original gives better stats to the unit you'll equip it on but that's it. This battle pass medal hasn't really poor stats itself, it's also signature equipment (you can play it for free) and it gives the unit "fast" so you can freely move it.
Is it worth crafting over the epic elilte? Yes, it is
Is it better than the original? Yes, again.
As you can see, this item can only be equipped on either infantry or a ship. This limits the use of it. But if you're after an American deck with any or both of these units in it then this diamond will sure come in handy:
This diamond improves stats (+1/+1) on all ranks, which is nice, consedering that it already has brutality;
It also has an improved penetration ability: The diamond will not only target enemy armored units at the start of your turn but it'll target enemy ships as well;
Crafting will require sealord blueprints, what you get is a pretty decent item, I think.
This diamond comes with a lot better stats than the epic elite has. It also has an better (improved) aid ability: It'll now heal an extra +1 health on all ranks.
I'd expected this item to be equipped on infantry only but instead you can equip it on all types of units. Of course, this'll improve the use of it a lot.
However, its main ability (immunity to infantry damage) is something the epic elite already has. And consedering that crafting here requires expensive sealord blueprints than I'd say: Better use your blueprints for other purposes instead of this one.
The only thing this diamond has and the epic elite hasn't is that it brings the "fast" ability with it. The unit you'd equip it on now gets to move around freely on the battlefield.
Consedering that crafting this into an epic elite will cost you expensive sealord blueprints then I'd guess it's pretty save to say that you'd better stick with the epic elite and spend your blueprints on better purposes.
The only difference between the legendary elite and this diamond is stats. That's it,...
The legendary elite has zero attacking stats (on all ranks)
This diamond has only a +1 on attack (on all ranks).
Is it worth to craft 9 legendaries into 3 legendary elites and then craft this diamond?
I think it's save to say that this is rather oubalanced. So, don't do it!
The diamond grenade provides far better stats. That's it.
Should you spend 20 blueprints to make it diamond for just better stats? I've always found better purposes to spend my blueprints on.
The diamond medal of honor is exactly the same as the epic elite is if you look at stats. The big difference is that the diamond gets: "commendation." This is what makes this diamond special! The diamond not only improves the stats of the unit it gets equipped on,... it'll also boost the stats of your other American units you have in play. The higher the rank of the unit on which you've equipped this item on, the bigger the boost. At rank 3 it'll boost your other American units in play by +3/+3. Definately worth spending your blueprints on. However, I prefer the battle pass diamond!
the diamond comes with a small improvement on rank 3 on stats. It also provides the ability "fast" (the unit you'd equip it on can now freely move on the battlefield.
Is this small improvement worth spending blueprints on?
I don't think so. This diamond gets better, but epic elites sure aren't that bad either.
Better spend your blueprints on other diamonds.
At the moment, this is probably the worst diamond in play.
First it requires expensive stronghold blueprints to craft it. Second, what this diamond does can be done with a Hetzer as well. Playing a Hetzer is even better because then you'll have an extra unit on the battlefield.
I expect that this card will be improved in the future but for now it's really bad.
If you'd compare the epic elite version to this card you'll notice that this diamond has an extra option to offer: For 0 cost you can promote a friendly rank 1 American card.
So when it comes to answering the question: Is it worth crafting into a diamond? Then the answer would be: Only if you're playing a deck with American units in it. Otherwise, it makes no sense to craft it into a diamond.
If you're planning on building an American deck with any units combined with American armored forces then this diamond should be on top of your list to craft.
Reason is simple: For zero action points you can protect an American armored unit with a flag for one turn.
You can consider this as if you've been given a free action point to spend.
Really nice diamond, at least if you're into American Armor.
If you're building a deck with American units in it (no matter what type of units) than crafting this order into a diamond will be worth your effort.
This diamond protects an American unit with a flag for free (for one turn).
Again, you can consider this as if you've been given a free extra action point to spend, which of course is a great improvement to your American deck.