The epic elite version was already a musthave for every German infantry deck you'd make. Normally, I don't like my promoting cards to turn into diamonds. (I'd like them to come into play and get killed so that I can redraw them again).
This diamond has far better stats than the epic elite. It also starts with brutality on rank 1 (the epic elite only gets brutality when you promote it to rank 2).
If you manage to prevent this unit from getting killed it'll supply all your other German units in play. That's a very nice compensation. I think this card is worth crafting!
This is also a promoting unit which is definately worth crafting. It increases stats which is nice but the real improvement here is that it gains the "expeditionary force" ability: It'll attack the same turn you put it into play.
Now, combine this unit with the ME-262 or Blohm & Voss and you'll see what a blow it'll deliver.
If you're after a German Luftwaffe deck or a German deck combined with Luftwaffe then this is a musthave card.
This diamond outscores its epic elite version on all fronts: Better stats, better abilities. Only the promoting costs remain the same. It's a wonderful card if you're up against an armored deck. This condition (only useful against armored cards) makes this card less playable to my opinion.
I'd really consider other optons before spending blueprints to make this card diamond.
The epic elite Afrika Korps already was a key card in every German infantry deck. Now, the diamond will make its entry very soon to it as well I suppose. The stats of the diamond are a big improvement of this unit. But the biggest difference is that the epic elite has the "commando" ability while the diamond has the "desert warfare" ability. The diamond will do damage to all enemy units when it comes into play. The epic elite only lets you target one enemy unit to do its damage on when it comes into play. This diamond is an absolutely wanna-have if you're playing a German infantry deck.
If you're building a luftwaffe deck then you'd add 2 copies of the epic elite version in it for sure. Now you can add 1 diamond and 1 epic elite in it. But is this card worth spending your blueprints on? I'd say yes! The diamond has better stats and it gets 2 new abilities. The "reinforced" ability is the most important. What you'll get is a better, stronger and less vulnerable plane with cheap promotion cost. I think it's a really nice addition to any luftwaffe deck.
I wouldn't use the legendary elite version. The diamond, however, is better,.. A lot better: Its survivablity has improved (it has better stats and has "thicker"). It also supports your German units better (instead of +1/+1 it now provides (+2/+2). It even comes into play with attacking stats! Still, it's a structure,... It still seems a bit like a gamble to me. Making this structure dia will cost you 3x 10 stronghold blueprints + another 20 to make it diamond. That's a lot of raidcoins for a gamble.
I'd wait before making the diamond.
The diamond Uboat 96 improves stats and it gains "German elite ship." Especially this last ability makes it worth crafting it into a diamond.
I've played the epic elite version in my deck for some time but removed it: This Uboat is not good if you're not up against an enemy ship deck.
Remember that this ship will boost the power of your other German ships when you promote it. If you're after a Kriegsmarine deck than this diamond is worth the blueprints.
The diamond gains a little bit of extra firepower, it also gains a better topspeed-ability and it gains the German Redemption ability. This last ability is what makes this diamond so much better
than the epic elite version. You can play this card in any German deck you're making because it'll improve the stats of all your German units. It'll be on its best in a German Luftwaffe deck of
Both (the diamond and the epic elite) cards are very fragile. But that's the gamble you'll take when putting this card in your deck. Nice card, definately worth spending blueprints on.
The diamond has a little bit better stats. It also has an ability the legendary elite hasn't:"air ambush" This ability destroys an enemy plane at the same lane if you'd promote this diamond. Normally you can only promote a unit twice. Besides that, your opponent has to have a plane on the battlefield otherwise the ability won't trigger. That's 2 conditions !
The diamond and the legandary elite are both vulnerable to confustion, but both copies have deploy (and flight) so chances to do damage are really good.
It's a nice card but for now I'd stick with the legendary elite.
If you'd compare the diamond to the epic elite version you'll see that the daimond has gained brutality. It also improves some stats. If you'd combine (the newly gained) brutality-abilty with the "best of trades"-ability then you've got a really nice combo in just one card. I think this card is a very nice addition to any German Panzer deck and worth spending your blueprints on.
The diamond nearly outscores the legendary elite on al fronts: It has better stats, it's a better stealth bomber and it gains German final assualt.
Be aware that if you play this diamond (or the legendary elite) that your opponent will do all that's in his power to destroy it.
Both diamond and legendary elite are vulnerable to confusion. If you know a way to protect this plane and to make up for your loss of 1 action point on your next turn than this plane is a
monster. In that case it'll be worth spending blueprints on for sure.
The diamond has better stats than the epic elite. Instead of being "reinforced" it now gets "thicker." Being a German hero, combined with the better stats makes it start out on the battlefield a lot better than the epic elite version. I think it is save to say that this is the toughest plane Germany has at it disposal. This plane is really hard to kill. If you're able to craft it into a diamond than sure do.
The only single difference between the epic elite and this diamond is that the diamond gains:"High-value target." This ability allows you to make one of your other ships unblockable. If you play a German Kriegsmarine deck you'll soon find out that is a really nice addition of possibilities that you have while playing this deck. This ship is worth to spend your blueprints on.
This diamond gets a bit better defensive stats at rank 2 and 3 if you'd compare it to the epic elite version. It also gains "German Equipment." This is why this diamond is worth your blueprints. No other German ship than this one can be equipped for free. If you'd take that into consideration plus the low promotion costs to get it to rank 2 than this is a really nice addition to the German fleet.
The legendary card has been crippled in the past. You now can't equip items on it anymore. However, both the legendary elite and the diamond can be equipped again. The diamond has gained "German
elite tank" which makes it better playable to my opinion. Everybody knows that this tank won't do you harm untill it reaches rank 3. But while you promote it, it 'll now boost your other panzers
in play.
Needlessly to say that playing (and promoting) this diamond will present your opponent with a really nice challenge. Very nice card. Definately worth spending blueprints on.
The diamond improves stats, its explosive artillery improves as well and it gains "German elite infantry." Promoting this unit will now boost your other German infantry in play. First promotion costs just 1 action point. However, this is an artillery unit which means it stays and fires from the supportline. German infantry lack the opportunity of manouvrability. Could be a nice addition to your German infantry deck but add a "precised map"to it as well then.
The diamond has better defensive stats than the epic elite. The big difference between them is the "high-value target" ablility. In short: If you play this diamond you get to make another plane unblockable for one turn.
Planes already have "flight" themselves and are hard to block. I feel this ability is only useful if you're up against a plane deck otherwise it's useless.
I'd stick with the epic elites. There are better cards to spend your blueprints on.
The diamond has better stats. The improved return-fire ability is also better at rank 2 and 3. Finally the diamond also gains German redemption as an additional ability. Trouble with this card is that it has to be made angry by damaging it before it gets its firepower. I suggest you start playing the epic elite first. If that's a dream come true than you can always make the diamond.
The diamond improves stats and it has a double maneuver warfare ability: If you get it into play it'll do 2 damages to all opposing units at rank 1 (rank 2: 4 damage, rank 3: 6 damage). That's
it. I feel that it is rather dissapointing that specialy this diamond has not been given a good ability and therefore a reason to make players want to craft it.
Before you start making a diamond you might want to check out the legendary awarded card as well
Based upon the small differences between the diamond and the legendary elite, I'd say that blueprints can be spend in a better way.
The diamond improves stats. It also gains German Redemption. Combine the German Redemption ability and the low promotion costs to rank 2 and you'll see that you can give your other German cards a really nice boost. You won't be sorry if you'd make a diamond out of this panzer.
The diamond outscores the legendary elite on stats, on the improved-retun-fire ability and on the improved-massive-enemy abiltity. If you look at it closely the differences are minor but they can give you just the edge you need. Making it diamond is quite an effort. Is it worth it? If you're making a kriegsmarine deck then a diamond (or legendary elite) should be nice addition to it. Understand that this card (as powerful as it is) still needs a lot of support of other German ship cards in your deck. Karl Donitz doesn't have brutality or blitzkrieg and it preferably should be promoted by an epic elite tirpitz (or the japanese "Naval Development" order).
The blitzkrieg-abilty is the only difference between an elite legendary -and a diamond Bismarck. Although the elite version is already very powerful, the diamond it is better to my opinion. Remember that blitzkrieg is great for doing damage to your opponent. However it doesn't kill units. Anyway, a Bismarck needs to be dealt a lot of damage before it get killed. The Bismarck is, however, very vulenerable to confusion. It'll do great in a Kriegsmarine deck. I'd say this card is worth spending your blueprints on .
There are 2 differences between the legendary elite and this diamond:
a) the defensives stats are +1 on each rank
b) the diamond has an "improved barrage" abilty.
The improvement of this ability starts at rank 2.
In short I think, the differences between the diamond and the legendary elite are far to minor to spend that amount of blueprints on it to make it diamond. In other words: It's a bad investment
for your blueprints.
This is one of the very best diamonds in the entire game! It will be useful in every deck you make. It's not just useful in a german infantry deck, it's not just useful in a german deck but you can use it in decks based upon other factions as well.
Sure, it'll take a while playing those damned hard Gazala missions to obtain 9 legendary copies. And it'll take another while to craft it into the legendary elites and finally to the diamond. But what you get is absolutely worth your time and investment. Once you have it, you won't regret it.
If you'd compare this diamond to the epic elite you'll see that the only difference between those two is the improvement of stats.
Of course, better stats will make this unit harder to kill. Are just a few better stats worth all the blueprints you have to spend to get this diamond? I think I'd stick with the epic elite and see around if my blueprints can be used for better purposes, I suppose.
The diamond has better stats and it also has a better "improved German comrade" ability: The diamond heals 8/15 on promotion, the epic elite heals 5/10.
The only reason you'd want to add this card to a deck is to make use of its "perfect infiltration" ability. The epic version already has that ability.
I think your blueprints can be spend on better purposes.
The diamond has better stats than the epic elite, although the differences are minor. The diamond also has a better "German Redemption" ability. The epic elite will boost the stats of your other German units in play on promote by +2/+2 on rank 2 and by +4/+4 on rank 3. The boosting the diamond will do depends on the number of German units you have in play. If you've got 4 German units in play the boost will be +4/+4 on rank 2 and +8/+8 on rank 3. So we're talking massively boosting here,.. Take the cheap 1st promotion cost of this diamond into consideration and you'll see that this diamond is worth the investment.
Besides the small increase on stats on rank 2 and 3 this diamond panzer has an ability its epic elite unit doesn't have: "Blitzkrieg." Though the changes may seem minor the impact is great! Consider that this is a panzer promoting unit.
Promote a diamond Tiger I or diamond Hetzer with it to rank 3 with 5 other friendly German units in play and you'll end up with an 17/17 blitzkrieg unit at your disposal?
The same 17/17 epic elite is nice too but it's not the same promise for upcoming trouble to your opponent. You won't be sorry for crafting this card into a diamond.
We've seen the diamond Hetzer and the diamond ME 262. Both diamonds are able to massively boost your ohter German units in play. This diamond has the same ability!
A few differences though:
1) This is an infantry card;
2) This card has also the deploy ability
3) Promoting it to rank 2 costs 2 action points instead of 1.
Especially the promoting costs makes that this card needs support by other (more) German infantry units.
If you like to play German infantry than craft it into a diamond, if you don't spend your blueprints on other purposes.
The difference between this diamond and the epic elite unit look a lot like what I've desbribed about Hetzer: This diamond can massively boost your other German units in play and the first promotion cost is only 1 action point. This diamond also has better attacking stats.
Finally, if your opponent decides to kill your rank 3 ME 262 than its wrath will be great: If you put back in play again on rank 3 it'll destroy every plane your opponent has in play.
Very nice card, absolutely worth spending blueprints on.
The diamond gains better defensive stats at rank 2 and 3. It also gets its "return fire" ability improved. As you can see this ship at rank 1 (both dia and epic elite) has only 6 defensive points which makes them both vulnerable. In other words: The improved return fire ability is worthless if your ship gets killed. To my perspective this (diamond) ship lacks defensive stats. Besides that,.. you'll need expensive (sealord) blueprints to make a diamond. I'd stick with the epic elite if I were you and look for better options to spend your blueprints on.
It'll be no surprise that this diamond outscores the epic elite on all fronts. Is it better than the origanl diamond?
The original diamond has better defensive stats, but that's about it. The Battle Pass diamond is better: The original diamond only deals its grenade damage at the start of your turn. This diamond deals less (grenade) damage but it'll do so at the start and the end of your turn (same turn you've played it). Add it up and it'll outscore the original.
It's a nice addition to the game but still not my way to play it.
I'll understand if you'd craft it, but I won't,...
If you've unlocked this battle pass reward then you're up for something special. The epic elite iron cross and the diamond are both signature equipment (they can be played for free) and they'll both protect the unit you equip it on against infantry damage: It becomes immune. Just like the other diamond iron cross this one will boost your other German units in play as well which is what you'd want. The stats of both this daimond and (especially) the epic elite are really poor. But being signature equipment you can always equip it on a unit who needs it the most. Overall, nice card!
This is a diamond which was introduced at the same moment the sealord expension was launched. It needs sealord blueprints to craft it. You'd expect something wonderful but the opposite is true: It gets worse,...
The diamond improves stats. However, if you'd play the legendary elite on a unit you'd probably make that unit less vulnerable to confusion.
It'll take a terrible amount of expensive blueprints to make it diamond. This diamond is absolutely not worth crafting it into a diamond. Stick with the legendary elite!
This diamond also needs (expensive) sealord blueprints to craft it. What do you get for it?
- the diamond improves stats and makes units you'll equip it better protected against confusion.
- the diamond becomes has a better death rocket ability at rank 3: While the legendary ellite V2's killing is limited to enemy rank 1 units, the diamond V2's killing takes out enemy rank 1 and 2 enemy at the start of your turn.
It's still a lot of expensive sealord blueprints for the little difference it makes.
The diamond delivers 25 damage, the epic elite does 20.
The diamond provides far more better stats on the unit it gets equipped on (at rank 2 and 3) than the epic elite.
Of course, stats are needed to keep the unit alive and deliver the blow on your next turn.
Crafting it into a diamond will require 20 (expensive) sealord blueprints!!!
I suggest you check out the epic elite first before you craft this into a diamond. I'm not convinced that it'll be worth the amount of blueprints you have to spend on it.
First of all, this item is restricted to infantry units only.
Secondly, you'll notice that the stats of the diamond get worse once it's a diamond.
What do you get in return for crafting it into a diamond? The diamond gets a new ability: "best of trades." In other words, it can become a lifegainer. It also looses the "night vision" ability. Which was quite nice as well.
I suppose that the unit you'll equip this diamond item on still needs a lot of boosting before you'll get it to become the brutal lifegainer you'd like it to be. I'm not convinced.
The diamond grenade provides far better stats. That's it.
Should you spend 20 blueprints to make it diamond for just better stats? I've always found better purposes to spend my blueprints on.
The iron cross diamond is exactly the same as the epic elite is if you look at stats. The big difference is that the diamond gets: "commendation." This is what makes this diamond special! The diamond not only improves the stats of the unit it gets equipped on,... it'll also boost the stats of your other German units you have in play. The higher the rank of the unit on which you've equipped this item on, the bigger the boost.
At rank 3 it'll boost your other German units in play by +3/+3.
Definately worth spending your blueprints on.
Another diamond which only improves stats. To make it diamond it'll still take 20 blueprints to craft it.
The epic elite is already an item which has the "signature equipment" ability.
The diamond isn't that much more special than the epic elite.
Conclusion: Better find something else to spend your blueprints on.
This diamond comes with a free option: For 0 action points you can give an enemy unit -2/-2.
The epic elite has no free options. What the epic elite does for 2 or 3 action points the diamond does it better for less.
Worth crafting? Yes I do think so.
Well here's a diamond which should be number 1 on your to-do-list if your planning to make a luftwaffe deck or a deck with about 6 or more German planes in it.
Reason why?! Simple: It allows you to promote a German plane for free.
The only difference between the diamond and the legendary elite is that the diamond allows you to boost all your friendly units with +1/+1 for free. Well, is it worth crafting the other 2 legendary elites and then spending another 10 stronghold blueprints on it to make it diamond?
No, it's a joke and a comlete waste of your hard earned blueprints. Please stick to the legendary elite.