Japanese Diamonds

The diamond gets +1 on its defensive stats on all ranks. (Which makes it now better protected against confusion).

But the best thing is that it gains the "Great discipline" ability. Due to this ability all your cards in play will restore their health at the end of your turn. 

It doesn't say "all your Japanese cards! So if I'm correct it'll also restore the health of non-Japanese units. 

This card cannot only be useful in a (combined) Japanese airforce deck. It could also be useful in a mixed (faction) deck. I think this card is definately worth crafting.

There is only one difference between the epic elite version and this diamond: The diamond gets to be a "Japanese Tank Master." In other words, it'll promote another Japanese armored unit when it comes into play. 

Crafting cost is high,.. it 'll take 20 expensive stronghold blueprints to get it done.

So if you're after a (combined) Japanese armored deck than this could be a good investment. Otherwise, spend your blueprints differently. 

This diamond comes with a lot of improvements: 

- the first promotion cost is reduced to only 1 action point;

- it has better stats;

- its ability has changed to great discipline: Instead of only restoring its own health, it now restores the health of all your other Japenese units you have in play!

Being a Japanese tankmaster, it'll promote a Japanese armored unit when it comes into play so it'll be on its best in a (combined) Japanese armored deck.

Definately worth crafting into a diamond! 


This diamond infantry unit doesn't improve stats if you'd compare it to the epic elite version. But it improves its (Jungle Fighters) ability and it also gets a new one: It becomes "Ruthless." This last ability triggers when it comes into play. I think the combination of "Jungle Fighters" and "Brutality" is a very nasty one. As an opponent you'd definately want to destroy this unit because (only) damaging it will only make it stronger and because of the brutality this will backfire at you. 

Very interesting card! I think it'll be very good in a (cominbed) Japanese infantry deck! Worth the blueprints for sure.

The epic elite version was already hard to destroy, this diamond is even harder to destroy. Both (the epic elite and the diamond) will boost the stats of all your Japanese units you have in play by the end of your turn. In other words: Already in the same turn you've played this structure. 

The big difference between the diamond and the epic elite is that the diamond gets to promote a friendly Japanese infantry unit. (so playing, promoting and then boosting,... all in the same turn!) If you're aiming on building a (combined) Japanese infantry deck then this diamond will be a great addition to it! Worth crafting? Absolutely.

It took me a while to discover the difference between this diamond and the legendary elite version. But the difference between them is hidden in the "Japanese Elite infantry" ability. This ability triggers when you promote it! The diamond will boost every Japanese unit you have in play, the legendary elite will only boost the Japanese infantry units you have in play. Of course this difference makes this diamond (now being a generalist) better. However, making this diamond requires a lot of (expensive) stronghold blueprints. Worth crafting? Hard to tell, I really don't know.

This diamond also comes with a lot of improvements:

- Better defensive stats;

- Cheaper 1st promotion

- Improved (Japanese final assault) ability.

I feel that the best ability this unit has is its "spying" ablity! The epic elite version already has that.


I think I'd stick with the epic elite. 

It's really a pity that this diamond hasn't been given a decent improvement if you'd compare it to the legendary elite version. The diamond gets better attacking stats: +1 on all ranks. This is nice because of it being "brutal." It further gets to become a "Japanese comrade": On promote it'll give you 5 and 10 lifepoints in return. 

Crafting this armored unit requires a huge amount of expensive stronghold blueprints. Like I've said, I think the input of your resources to craft it into a diamond and what you get in return is rather outbalanced.

There are 2 differences between this diamond and the legendary elite version:

The diamond has better stats;

The diamond gains the Guerilla Warfare ability.

In order to destroy this structure you have to deliver enough damage in a single turn! It has discipline so it'll reset its stats again. Being able to deal 5 damage to a target of your choice when you put this structure comes into play is nice too. Crafting this diamond requires a huge amount of expensive Stronghold blueprints. But, it's really better!


This is a diamond definately worth crafting! It'll boost all your other Japanese units in play on promote. The good news is, it'll promote itself at the start of your next turn (which will of course trigger its boosting ability). 

The epic elite doesn't promote itself.

This diamond comes into play, you get to spy upon an enemy unit and the next turn it'll boost all your other Japanese units in play for free. 

You can add this diamond in every Japanese deck you'll make. 

This diamond gets +1 health on all ranks. But the best thing about it is its newly gained ability:"Sudden Attack". If you promote this plane it'll reduce the health of all enemy units by 30% (on its 1st promotion) and by 60% (on its final promotion). Considering that this plane already has the "Japanese Squadron" ability, I think chances are quite good you could promote it, the turn it comes into play. 

I think this diamond is a very nice addition to a Japanese airforce deck and if you're trying make such a deck then don't forget to craft this one into a diamond.

This diamond gets better stats: +1/+1 on rank 1 and +2/+2 on both rank 2 and 3. Especially, the better attacking stats are nice because of its brutality. Both (the epic elite and the diamond) are able to promote a Japanese infantry unit when put into play. The really big difference between them is that the diamond gains the "sudden attack" ability. But to trigger it you'd have to promote it. This presents a bit of a dilemma to me: Combination of brutality and the damage caused by the sudden attack ability seems really nice. But promoting a Japanese Soldier master doesn't. But I'd like to try it out!

If you're up against infantry then you'd sure like to have this diamond (or the epic elite version) on your side. Of course, you'll never know what you will be up against. So, that's quite a condition here and probably the reason why it didn't get played a lot. Now besides, better (attacking) stats the diamond also gains "deploy!" You can instantly use in the frontline which makes it very much more playable. If you're up agianst infantry: Perfect couldn't better! If you're not up against infantry: You still can benefit from its "deploy" ability.

I think its way better than the epic elite and worth crafting.

I don't think I'd ever make a Japanese deck with the epic elite in it. The diamond however, would possibly a card that I'd consider adding.

Besides better stats the diamond gains "the Japanese Courage" ability which will boost all your other Japanese units in play when you promote it. As you can see the 1st promotion cost of this unit is only 1 action point. I think a nice bargain can be made here. This diamond is way better than the epic elite. I think it's worth crafting too!


If you're into a combined Japanese navy and aircraft deck then this diamond is probably the best card you have. The diamond gets +1 defensive stats on all ranks. But the real improvement here is that it gains the "bring war to them" ability which will boost all your other (even non-Japanese) friendly ships and planes at the end of your turn (which is the same turn you'd brought this unit into play!)

So play this unit, play the next (Japanese!) plane for free and at the end of your turn boost it. Crafting this unit into a diamond takes a lot of expensive sealord blueprints.


This diamond comes with a lot of better stats (especially on rank 2 and 3) than the epic elite version has. But the real big difference here lies in the improvement of the (massive surprise attack) ability. Instead of reducing the health points of a single enemy unit the diamond reduces the health points of all enemy units. However, this is a come into play effect! 

To really benefit from this ability you need to promote it all the way to rank 3, then it has to be destroyed so it'll finally can come back to you. 

Crafting this diamond requires expensive sealord blueprints, I'd suggest you'd find other/better options for it than this one.

This diamond used to be a lot better in the past: It'll now promote the unit in front of it (just like the legendary elite) on the start of your next turn (instead of the end of the turn). The only remaining difference between the legendary elite and the diamond now is that the diamond allows you to play any next Japanese unit for free. The legendary elite allows you to play a Japanese navy unit for free. Crafting it requires a huge amount of expensive sealord blueprints. I don't think this small difference still makes it worth to craft it into a diamond.

This diamond can't be compared to a epic/legendary elite because there isn't. So let's discuss if it is playable instead,..

The bad news is that you cannot equip, its promotion cost is terrible and it's vulnerable to confusion. The good news is that it can reach very good stats so it can eihter swallow up quite an amount of damage or (due to its brutality) deliver a lot of damage to your opponent. 

If you can bypass the promotion cost then this is a nice card to have on your side.

The use of this card has puzzled many players,..  It's possibly the best healing card in the entire game. But the match is won by damaging and not by healing. Besides that, your units are only able to heal if they've survived your opponents turn. 

Of course the diamond heals better than the legendary elite: The diamond heals at the end of your turn, the legendary elite heals at the start of your turn. Defensive stats of the diamond are a lot better. The healing this diamond'll do on promote is also better,..... However, I still haven't got a clue about what kind of a deck I should create to really make this card work.

The legendary elite restores its healthpoints at the end of your turn. So if your opponent damages it during his/her turn you'd usually need to promote it to the next rank in order to keep it alive. The diamond restortes its healthpoints at the end and at the start of your turn. This is a nice improvement! The legendary elite has the "guerrilla warfare" abiltiy: You get to target one enemy unit and deal some damage to it. The diamond has the "last man standing" ability. It'll damage all enemy units when it comes into play. But the damage it does is way less. Could be great, but the legendary elite isn't bad either. 

This diamond gets +1/+1 on all ranks. Especially the +1 on the attacking stats is welcome because this unit is brutal. The diamond also gains a new ability:"Japanese Supplies." This is a life-gaining ability, which is nice but I'd rather would have seen it get a better ability.

Anyway, I can't say that this card isn't worthing crafting but it certainly won't be on the top of my list either.

The difference between the diamond and the epic elite version is that the diamond has both its abilities improved. After the december 2018 update it also got better defensive stats, but a minor improvement.

Both have a come into play: Depending on its rank you get to target an enemy unit and deal some damge to it. The damage you get to deal with the diamond is slightly better. 

The same can be said about the ability that triggers on promote, the diamond is again slightly better. Overall, I feel the differences are so minor that I wouldn't spend blueprints on it to craft it into a diamond.

There is only one difference between this diamond and the epic elite: The epic elite has the "Zero Cost" ability. Which means you can put it into play for free!


Is it worth crafting? Of course, it is. Free is always good in this game.

This diamond has worse attacking stats (on rank 2 and 3) than the epic elite version has. But it gains a new ability "Zero Cost" which makes it up greatly (to my opinion).


Is it worth crafting? Of course! You get to play this unit for free, what more could you wish for?

This diamond gets better stats, this improvement on rank 1 is minor, but becomes major on rank 2 and 3. It also improves all 3 abilities it has. This is again a healing unit (a medic). It heals itself, you and all the other Japanese units you have in play. 

I suppose if you have this unit on rank 3 in the battlefield that it'll become rather difficult to destroy it with combat damage. However, I'm not sure that this diamond is worth spending blueprints on.

This diamond gets better stats: +1/+1 (rank1), +2/+2 (rank2) and +3/+3 (rank). It also gains the "discipline" abilitiy. I think that this is one of the (basic) best abilities a Japanese unit can have. 

It'll be no surprise that this diamond will be at its best in a (combined) Japanese armored deck. If you're after such a deck than you won't be sorry for crafting this one into a diamond. 

This diamond only gets 1 ability improved. The epic elite version has the "surprise attack" ability, the diamond has the "massive surprise attack" ability. Both abilities are triggered when put into play. The epic elite allows you to target one enemy unit, the diamond will automatically target all enemy units in play. 

So, the diamond is better! But if this is worth crafting? I don't know. It'll require expensive sealord blueprints. I'd think twice before crafting it. 

It'll be no surprise that this diamond outscores the epic elite on all fronts. Is it better than the origanl diamond?

The original diamond has better defensive stats, but that's about it. The Battle Pass diamond is better: The original diamond only deals its grenade damage at the start of your turn. This diamond deals less (grenade) damage but it'll do so at the start and the end of your turn (same turn you've played it). Add it up and it'll outscore the original. 

It's a nice addition to the game but still not my way to play it.

I'll understand if you'd craft it, but I won't,...

This diamond (battle pass) medal is surely better than the epic elite: It'll not only boost the unit you equip it on, it also will boost all your other Japanese units in play. 

But is it better than the (diamond) original? I do think so. 

The original gives better stats to the unit you'll equip it on but that's it. This battle pass medal comes with rather poor stats, however it's signature equipment (you can play it for free) and it gives the unit "brutality"! (one of the best abilities in the game). Is it worth crafting over the epic elilte? Yes, it is. Is it better than the original? Yes, again.

This diamond item provides the unit it gets equipped on with better stats: +1/+1 on all ranks. Considering that it also provides "brutality" then you know that this is good news. But the best has yet to come. It also gains the "best ammunition" ability! For a combined Japanese infantry/armored deck is this just great: Depending on the rank of the unit you equip this (the higher the rank, the bigger the boost) on, it'll now start boosting your Japanese infantry/armored units at the start of your turn.  For a (combined) infantry/armored Japanese deck absolutely worth crafting.

This is a great item to have in your deck. It's also better then the legendary elite. Both items will destroy every opposing unit it gets in contact with, due to its armor penetration ability. The big difference here is that the diamond will last an extra turn. The legendary elite destroys itself at the end of your turn, the diamond destroys itself at the start of your turn (your opponents turn is in between)! Crafting the diamond requires a huge amount of resources: It's all expensive (sealord) blueprints here,... but very nice item!

If you're after a (combined) Japanese armored and/or navy deck then this is surely a diamond you'd want to craft. In fact it'll be one of your top items you'll have. The diamond is way better than the epic elite, although the diamond elite isn't bad itself either. The difference between them is that the diamond will target (all) enemy aircraft as well where the epic elite "only" targets all enemy armored and ship units.

So this is quite an improvement here. 

Worth crafting? Sure! Absolutely musthave in any (combined) Japanese armored and/or navy deck.

Another great diamond item here which is definately worth crafting to my opinion. If you'd compare it to the legendary elite you'll see that the diamond gets better stats (at rank 2 and 3) and the unit you'll equip it on will also become "fast" so it can move freely on the battlefield. 

Imagine a unit that will restore its healthpoints at the end and at the start of your turn and which you can also move to a lane where you'll need it the most. That's what you'll get if you'd craft this item into a diamond. And its use isn't even restricted to the Japanese faction only. Very nice diamond!!

The diamond grenade provides far better stats. That's it.

Should you spend 20 blueprints to make it diamond for just better stats? I've always found better purposes to spend my blueprints on. 

The diamond order of the raising sun is exactly the same as the epic elite is if you look at stats. The big difference is that the diamond gets: "commendation." This is what makes this diamond special! The diamond not only improves the stats of the unit it gets equipped on,... it'll also boost the stats of your other Japanese units you have in play. The higher the rank of the unit on which you've equipped this item on, the bigger the boost. At rank 3 it'll boost your other Japanese units in play by +3/*3. It's a very nice item worth crafting, but if you're able to craft the battlepass diamond medal then craft that one. 

On rank 3 this diamond item gets +1 on its attacking stats if you'd compare it to the epic elite version. So there's not a big difference here. The diamond also gains the "tank destroyer" ability which is of course a condition that has to be met before it pays off. 


To keep it short, there are a lot better options spending your blueprints on than this one.

Both, the epic elite and the diamond, orders have 3 options. 

The first option is the same: Do 3 damage to all enemy units for 1 action point. 

The diamond does 6 damage to all enemy units for 2 action points where the epic elite (only?) does 5.

Now the diamond can be played for free, It'll do 1 damage to all enemy units, which is rather poor to my opinion.

The epic elite does 12 damage to all enemy units for 3 action points. I especially like this ability! This could be an opportunity to clean the board if you're in need.

I'd stick with the epic elite. 

The diamond gains an extra option: You can promote a Japanese Infantry card for free if it has 6 or less health!

So if you're not into Japanese ifantry then don't even bother to craft it into a diamond. If you are building a Japanese deck with infantry in it then you absolutely want to have this card in your deck. 

Worth crafting? Depends if you're after a deck with Japanese infantry in it. If you are, then craft it for sure!


This card is absolutely worth crafting. It'll fit in every deck you'll make and it's way better than the legendary elite version. The legendary elite requires more action points and it'll target less enemy units. Ships for example can't be destroyed by the legendary elite.


As soon as you've got the numbers then this order should be on top of your crafting list!

This diamond is way better than the legendary elite and that one isn't bad either. You can use this diamond in every deck you'd make and it has a really nice bargain for you to make.

Of course, the trouble is to obtain the legends required to do the crafting. Fortunately you can buy it now in the shop for 8.000 raidcoins a piece. After that, crafting will require expensive sealord and stronghold blueprints.


So,...if you're after a project which will keep you occupied for quite some time then this is the best.