

Hi, I'm Mordsitha in real life Richard. I am 45 years old and I am freshly, two months married, yet without children. I was born in Czechoslovakia, after the split of the state I live in Slovakia. I have a small business company with a focus on accounting.

Interest in WWII in me aroused the excitement of the old father, a participant in the attack on the Soviet Union, then the Slovak National Uprising against the Germans, and the end of the war caught him in a German prison camp.

Like Pieter I have been playing Magic the Gathering since 1995, with which I have gone through the whole of Europe for GP tournaments, I am only playing sporadically at the moment. 


I found the WWII TCG game by accident, but since I have been playing for more than a year I play daily. However, my collection of cards is limited so I focus only on one faction: Germany .


The deck I use for PvP is a German infantry deck combined with Luftwaffe. This is what it looks like:

2x epic elite Blohm & Voss

2x epic elite Afrika Korps

2x epic elite Grossdeutschland Divison

2x epic elite 14th Waffen Grenadier

Everything else just 1 copy

Finally, I attach a contact email and a link to my Facebook account


