On this page I’ll try and explain how this hard mission can be won. Of course, I’m not victorious on every hard mission I play but I’m quite satisfied with my winning average on it
As I’ll try to be as complete as possible you’ll probably read some things you might already know. In that case just skip that specific part. If you have suggestions or questions please let me know.
I'll describe this later,...
To win this mission you’ll need to be victorious on the
4th battle.
The first and the second battle are against the British
The third and final battle will be against the American
You’ll be playing the same German deck against all 4 battles.
Playing against the British army is quite different than playing against the American army. For this reason I’ll divide it into 2 separate sections. Another thing is that you need to understand the deck you’ll be playing with to get the most out of it.
The Deck
The German deck you’ll be playing in all 4 battles contains:
- 18 units (1 diamond, 3 legends, 12 epic elites and 2 epics)
- 1 structure (1 legend)
- 8 items (3 legends and 5 epic elites)
- 3 orders (1 legendary elite and 2 epic elites)
A bit more detailed look at your units, you’ve got:
- 3 “well equipped “ units: Panther (ep.el.), Grossdeutschland division (ep.el.) and Afrika Korsp (epic)
- 3 “power boosting “ units: Blohm & Voss (ep.el.), Hetzer (ep.el.) and Fallschrim division HG (ep.el.)
- 3”promoting “units: Grossdeutschland division (ep.el.), Panzer II (ep.el.) and Heinkel HE 219 (ep.el.)
- 3 “life gaining “units: Panzer III (diamond), Flieger Divsion (ep.el.) and Brandenburger (ep.el.)
- 3 “next-same-type-free “units: Panther (ep.el.), Waffen Grenadier (ep.el.) and Focke Wolf (ep.el.)
As you do not have unlimited time to kill off your opponent
you’ll need to find a way to get the damage through on the time which has been given to you.
There are roughly 3 ways to get the job done:
1) Blitzkrieg: Panther (ep.el.) and the Reichsmarshall Baton
2) Brutality: Panzer III (diamond) Grossdeutschland division (ep.el.) and Tiger I (epic)
3) Planes: Erich Hartmann, Horten, B&V, Heinkel, Flettner and
All other units can simply be blocked by opposing it with (just) antoher
unit. Of course, the job can be done by a free shooting lane as well (if your opponent decides not to block a lane.
Efficiently playing
Since you only have a few action points to spend each turn, try and get the
most out of it. In this part I’ll discuss a few issues about it.
1) Well equipped and MG 42
2) Next same-type-free units
3) Promoting units and wolf’s lair
4) Atlantic Wall
Well equipped units and MG 42
You’ve got 3 units with this ability so make use of it:
- Never equip the Panther with the Reichsmarshall Baton. You’ll
want to use this item on other units.
- Your Afrika Korps needs to equipped with at least the Reichsmarshall Baton
or the Stig-44 Vampire otherwise it’s just another unit.
- The MG 42 should be reserved for equipping units without the well equipped ability.
Next same-type-free units
Again 3 units with this ability. I’m not saying that you should always make
use of it if the occasion shows up but you should at least consider it. Besides that, all of the 3 units have an ability to get damage through by the themselves:
The epic elite panther has blitzkireg;
The epic elite waffen grenadier has brutality;
The epic elite focke wolf has flying.
In other words: They are always worth considering playing (or not) even without the free next same type unit.
Promoting units and wolf’s lair
There are (again) 3 units who have the ability to promote another (same type
of) unit when they come into play. The best ones are (to my opinion) the grossdeutschland division and the heinkel he 219.
- The panzer II promotes another panzer in play as well but that’s it. (it
doesn’t have blitzkrieg, brutality or flight). So to make the panzer II usefull you could play a marshall baton on it if the occasion shows up.
- The Grossdeutschland division becomes a brutality unit at rank
2 and it has well equipped by itself.
- The heinkel he 219 has flight. It also stays in the support line. It can’t
move either (non of your units can). So the trouble is (often) how to get a unit in front of the heinkel. On the other hand, if you’ve got a powerful unit in front of it you’re firing from 4
lanes (instead of 3) into your opponent.
The wolf’s lair is a structure. Being a structure is already a problem when playing it: You can put it anywhere you want (in the front -or in the support line). Put it in the front (where it’s vulnerable) and you’ll miss a firing lane (unless you get a heinkel behind it). Put it in the support line and you’ll get the same (heinel) trouble again (how to get a unit in front of it. It’ll be no surprise that I’m not that fond of this structure. In other words: I rarely play it.
Atlantic wall
Playing this order let’s you promote all your units in play. There’s a
possible profit that can be made here: Promoting all your units individually will cost more action points.
As the Atlantic wall is a very specific German order it should only be played when the conditions are good!
1) If you have power boosting units in play (Blohm & Voss, Hetzer, Fallschirm Divsion HG) other units won’t benefit from their promotion unless their (already) at rank 3. This is because the promotion of all units happen at the same time.
2) Units, which have been boosted on your previous turn(s), will loose the boost they’ve gained by promoting them to their next level.
Keep this in mind before playing the Atlantic wall.
Power boosting
As we’ve seen above there are 3 units available which can boost the power of your other units in play. Two of them (the Hetzer and the Fallschirm Division HG) deliver a small boost. On their first promotion other units get +2/+2, on their second promotion other units get +4/+4. If you’re interested in massively power boosting then the epic elite Blohm & Voss is the card to hang on to.
The epic elite Blohm & Voss is (to me) the key-card of this mission and is responsible of winning about 95% of all of the missions I’ve won!
1. The more cards you have in play, the bigger the boost will be. So before promoting this plane fill the battlefield with other units. If you can put a next-time-free unit of the same type and another unit (of that of that type) in play you can witness the synergy this deck has to offer.
2. After this card gets its last promotion it’ll get stronger once it receives damage. So first your boosting your other units and finally this unit becomes a significant damage dealer itself.
3. If you promote this unit with the Heinkel you’ll see the Heinkel also gains the boost and becomes a plane (in your support line) which delivers a lot damage.
4. If you'd promote it twice (in the same turn), than have the Heinkel do it's first promotion. By doing so the Heinkel will benefit twice of the boosting.
Gaining Life Points
Undoubtedly your best life gainer is the diamond Panzer III. It gains life
when promoted, it gains life when its brutality damage is transferred to your opponent. The brandenburger and the flieger division only gain life when promoted.
Playing the diamond will automatically get your opponent’s attention: It’ll be their nr. 1 target!
I’d also like you to get familiar with LTK (which stands for
Last Turn Kill).
This is a situation in which you know that you’ll be victorious but you’ve
got one more turn to finish the battle. Of course, it is nice to finish the battle with a big blast but it is better to check if you’re able to get a few life points out of it while finishing
your enemy off.
Another closer look at the deck you’re playing
As I’ve explained before a good knowledge of the possibilities the deck you’re playing is essential to get the best out of this mission. I’ve decided to specifically describe all the cards individually. You’ll find my comments next to the cards.
Panzer III (diamond)
- Brutality
- Life Gainer
- Nr.1 Target of your opponent
Wolf's Lair (legend)
- Structure
- Promotes all your German units at the start of your next turn
Blohm & Voss (epic elite)
- Flying
- Massively boosting
- Return Fire
*** Key Card ***
Flieger Division (epic elite)
- Deploy
- Life gainer
Hetzer (epic elite)
Heinkel HE 219 (epic elite)
Panzer II (epic elite)
Grossdeutschland divison (epic elite)
Focke-Wolf FW 190 (epic elite)
Tiger I (epic)
V2 Rocket (legend)
Iron Cross (epic elite)
MG 42 (epic elite)
Confusion (epic)
Erich Hartmann (legend)
- Flying
- Ability to destroy an enemy unit when it comes into play
Horten HO 229 (legend)
- Flying (and bomber)
- Playing this aircraft causes one less action point on your next turn
Panzer VIII Maus (legend)
- Deals barrage damage to all enemy units at the start of your next turn.
- Most of the time only useful when equipped with the "Reichsmarshall Baton" item.
Panther (epic elite)
- Blitzkrieg
- Next same type free
- Well equipped (do not equip this unit with the Reichsmarshall Baton)
Brandenburger (epic elite)
Flettner (epic elite)
- Flying
Fallschirm Division HG (epic elite)
14th Waffen Grenadier (epic elite)
Afrika Korps (epic)
Reichsmarshall Baton (legend)
Stg-44 "Vampir" (legend)
Model 24 Grenade (epic elite)
Atlantic Wall (legendary elite)
The first two battles of the mission are against a British opponent. Frankly speaking, If I lose the mission it is most often in these two battles. I’m okay with that: I’d rather loose fast then having to conclude that my efforts on the 4th battle will have been for nothing.
The British are known for:
- messing around with your action points;
- getting more action points themselves
- spying
- reducing power on your attacking units
They are also known for their invincible units. Fortunately, they didn’t bring those units to this battle. Instead the British deck has a lot of units with the deploy ability and a couple of units which will fire at your units from the support line.
Last (but not least) the British deck also contains a few planes. So this ‘ll make it harder for your planes to get the damage through.
1) Do not play your Horten, unless it’ll win you the match. The lack of an
action point on your next turn will backfire at you and you’ll need them very hard.
2) Do not play a Wolf’s Lair. You cannot effort the missing firing lane.
Once a Wolf’s Lair gets spied upon you’re even in more trouble.
3) If the epic elite Blohm & Voss shows up then choose a place in the support line where it has the best chance to survive your opponents next turn so you can make use of its massively power boosting abilty on your next turn.
4) Manage your items! The British commando no.2 will its target by the rarity of your cards (1. diamond, 2 .legend & epic elite and 3. epic) So sometimes it's better to equip your Tiger I with an item than to equip your diamond Panzer III with it. Of course if you're in LTK (last turn kill) then it doesn't matter anymore.
5) There are 3 cards in the British deck that need your special attention:
a) Gloster Meteor (epic elited)
b) Bernard Montgomery (legend)
c) Plastic Explosive (legend)
- Gloster Meteor will spy one of your units. It picks its target based upon rarity (diamond first, etc). You should try to make an advantage out of this knowledge. It's often better to take a bit of damage from this plane than to kill it (it only spies when it is put into play).
- Bernard Montgomery will reset the attack value of one of your units to zero (except for items the unit has been equipped with). The target it picks is (also) based upon rarity. Make advantage of this knowledge! A panzer III in the supportline won't do damage for you but it'll be targeted. In ohter words: Your frontline (damage delivering) units are saved from this nasty ability. Again, taking a few damagepoints from this unit isn't that bad. It's better blocking it (and not killing it). Also Montgomery can only make use of this ability when put into play.
- Plastic Explosive is an item that'll damage your non-infantry units. If you want your planes and panzers to live and fight another day then the enemy unit with this item equipped on it should be killed immediately. Most of the time, the confusion card helps me out. Brandenburger and a combination of Flettner and Erich Hartmann also do the neccesary killing for me sometimes.
I really hope the tips I've been giving here will improve your chances on finishing the first two battles of this hard mission.
Good luck !!
The last two battles of the mission are against an American opponent. The American deck doesn’t have planes in it, only ground troops. Still, it can be quite a nasty enemy. As usual the Americans bring on machine-guns, flag raising.