My name is Theo in real life too. I'm 40 years old, born in Greece. I currently live in Malta and before that I spent 3 years in beautiful Cape Town, SA.
It was during that time (2014) that I got my first tablet and while looking for games, I found WWIITCG. I haven't stopped playing since!
I was lucky enough to be accepted in Sonnenblume platoon despite being a rookie at that time! It was a great learning curve for me playing along some of the greatest players in this game.
I was out of the game for about 3 months when I decided to move back to Europe. Before settling down in Malta I went on a 2,5 months hike across France and Spain, walking approcimately 1.600 kilometers on a walk that is commonly known as Camino de Santiago.
Once I came back, Sonnenblume was practically dismantled with very few active members (one of them was Assassin) and myself being randomly promoted to platoonleader but without the ability to promote/demote or allow new players to join: One of the bugs in this game that also costed me more than 1 milion platoon points and my original knickname (Theo).
When Pieter showed up in the platoon chat saying he will start a new platoon I said I would join without a second thought. I've been following him since, in good times and bad. My real life friend, Ekaiomen, was the first player, we've recruited. The rest you know already!
Despite being active daily for the past 4,5 years, my deck is not top because I see myself as a collector of cards who never decided to specialize in a faction. Imagine that my main raid deck is mix of US tanks, infantry and planes that was highly effective before the stats of certain cards were dropped, but it still does the trick for me!
Thanks for reading