The diamond is better than the epic elite. It gets a minor improvement on its defensive stats at rank 2 and 3 but the big gain here is that it gets 2 new abilities.
It gets to be a "British support unit." This ability will boost all your British units in play at the start of your turn.
It also becomes a "British elite ship." On promote it'll boost your other British ships in play by +3/+3 on rank 2 and by +5/+5 on rank 3. First promotion costs is cheap, it'll only cost 1 action point. However, crafting cost is expensive, it require stronghold blueprints. But if you're after a (combined) British navy deck then don't forget to craft this one!
This diamond comes with better stats, a better "improved minefield" ability and a new ability:"British support unit." As you can see both (the diamond and the epic elite) units have cheap promotion costs. So you'll easily get them to rank 3. The diamond will boost all friendly British units at the start of your turn. Question rises: "Will this unit survive your opponents next turn?
If you're building a British armored deck then this'll be a nice addition to it. Altough the epic elite seems already to be nice enough (both are "elite tanks"). I'm not so sure about this one.
The big difference between the diamond and the epic elite lies in the "improved observation post" ability. The epic elite allows you to destroy one enemy unit with the "deploy" ability. The diamond is better: It'll destroy ALL enemy units with the "deploy" ability. The destruction is limited by the rank your Home Guard has: At rank 1 it'll only destroy enemy units who are at rank 1 too, at rank 2 it'll destroy all rank 1 and 2 enemy units with deploy and at rank 3 it'll simply kill'm all.
Another restriction is that this ability only triggers when it comes into play. Worth the blueprints? I'd stick with the epic elite for now,...
Compare the diamond to the epic elite and you'll see that the diamond gets far better stats. It also gains the "reinforced" ability. To keep it simple: This plane is much harder to kill and has a far better chance to survive. Normally I'd say: Great! But this is a promoting plane: it promotes another friendly British aircraft when it comes into play,..
For now I'd stay with the epic elite and spend my blueprints differently.
The biggest difference between the diamond and the epic elite is that the diamond gains the "thicker" ability. Although the remain the same on all ranks it seriously improves the survivablity of this ship. The diamond also gets a better grenade.
However, I feel that the best ability of this ship is its sabotage ability. Sabotage only triggers when this ship comes into play. Another issue is that crafting it requieres expensive sealord blueprints.
I'd stick with the epic elite for now,...
Here is a diamond that is worth the blueprints. If you'd compare it to the epic elite version you'll see that it improves a bit of stats, but most important it gains the "more resources" ability. In other words if you'd promote this ship you'll get a an extra actionpoint for it on your next turn.
The epic elite is already very nice. But the diamond is really better.
The only difference between the diamond and the legendary elite is that the diamond has access to the "more resources" ability and the legendary elite doesn't.
Again a big improvement and worth the investment of making it diamond. Collecting 9 copies of the legend and spending 50 (expensive) stronghold blueprints is quite an effort.
What you'll get for it in return is amazing: The first promotiion only costs 1 action point and it'll return to you in your next turn. You also could say: Playing this diamond goes for free.
This unit gets to become "invincible" when you craft it into a diamond. Everything else remains the same. Just like the epic elite it'll boost your other British infantry units once you'd promote it. So if you're planning on building a British infantrydeck than this could the pearl in it. No other British infantry units have "invincible" so far.
If you've got other plans than you'd better spend your blueprints differently.
The diamond improves stats +1 on both attack and defense (on all ranks). Besides that, it also becomes a British elite infantry unit. This ability will boost your other British infantry units on promote.
This diamond is nice if you're building a british infantry deck.
In that case crafting it to a diamond is worth the blueprints.
Then again, that's the only reason to spend your blueprints on this unit.
This is a bit of weird diamond to me: It's a promoting unit and a boosting unit. It promotes a friendly British infantry unit when it comes into play. That's nice. But it'll boost all your other friendly British (not just infantry) units as well. I guess this diamond presents a nice challenge to your opponent: Kill it and it'll return to do its promoting again? Not kill it and it'll boost all the other enemy British units in play.
This is a nice diamond if you'd like to build a british infantry unit combined with other units.
It's a nice card worth crafting it into a diamond.
The diamond has better defensive stats. It also gains a new ability: First to battle. This ability allows you to destroy an enemy unit in play which has 3 or less health. On rank 2 it'll destroy a unit with 5 or less health and on rank 3 it'll destroy a unit with 8 or less health.
If you're planning on building a British Tank deck and you have plastic explosives than here is a nice combo,.. Otherwise, I'd spend my blueprints differently.
The epic elite submarine is already great,.. This submarine has "deploy" so it starts in the front and it's a promise of damaging your opponent. Promote it and it becomes a lifegainer for you. Damage for your opponent and life for you!
The diamond improves attacking stats and becomes even a greater lifegainer. This one already gains life by just putting it into play. Overall, I'd say if you'd have the blueprints than this diamond is really worth spending them on.
The legendary elite is already capable to massively destroy enemy units and damage your opponent while doing so. This unit is at it's best at rank 3.
The Diamond outscores its legendary elite on all fronts: Better stats and even more better abilities. Again, if you want this unit to reach rank 3 a better survivability is real improvement. If you've got the numbers and the blueprints then you won't regret making this unit diamond.
The real big difference between the epic elite and the diamond is that the diamond has "deploy". It starts in the front. What you get is a plane with better stats that spies, flies and starts in the front.
Now (both) flying and starting in the front is mostly a guarantee to damage your opponent.
I'd say spending blueprints to craft this plane into a diamond is worth spending blueprints on.
There's no difference between the stats of the epic elite and the diamond. The difference lies in the abilities. Where the epic elite has "improved thicker", the diamond has "invincible". Finally, the diamond becomes an infantry hunter. It kills an enemy infantry unit (same rank or lower) when it comes into play. It's nice but worthless if you're up against a non-infantry deck.
Crafting this unit will require (expensive) sealord blueprints. I'm not sure if that's really worth the effort. I'd look for differrent purposes to spend your blueprints on.
The diamond improves defensive stats. So what?! Both epic elite and the diamond are invincible so who cares?
The biggest improvement of the diamond is that it gains "British equipment". In ohter words you can equip this submarine for free with a British item. Now that's nice!
Free is always good in this game.
If you've got the numbers and you've got the (unfortenately expensive) sealord blueprints then crafting it into a diamond is worth your effort.
It'll be no surprise that crafting this diamond requires a lot of (expensive) sealord blueprints. What do you get in return for it? The diamond becomes "invincible" where the legendary elite has "thicker" It improves +1 attacking stats on rank 2 and 3. Then again, is this really worth to spend such an amount of sealord blueprints on?
I don't think so. The improvement and the amount of resources/effort to make this a diamond seems rather outbalanced to me.
This is the first diamond that doesn't gain an abilty but looses one. The legendary elite is (still) "slow": It takes an extra turn for this unit to move to the front.
The diamond isn't,..
I hate slow units. Crafting this unit into a diamond is worth your blueprints. You'll really get a nice tank for it in return.
The diamond gets better attacking stats. This is nice, because being an "expeditionary force" it'll be able to attack from the supportline the moment it enters play.
But that's nearly it,...
The diamond also gains a new abiltiy: It gets to become a "great desert hero" If you've got this unit to rank 3 and you get to get it into play again,... Then, it'll reset all your enemy units attack value to zero.
That's a lot of conditions to meet before this diamond pays off.
The epic elite is already "invincible." It's a nice ability which makes it hard to kill but you also want it to do damage. Now the diamond gains far better stats (on all ranks +2 on attack) and it also gains "brutality." So what better improvements could you wish for.
The diamond also has a better (improved) British comrade ability. But the previous improvements (better attacking stats and brutality) seem more important to me.
So yes, this is a tank worth spending your blueprints on.
The diamond is way better than the epic elite. Both will reduce your opponents action points on promote. However, the diamond 1st promotion costs is only 1 action point, the epic elite requires 2. After promoting it to rank 2 the diamond also has better stats, it increases its survivability.
Finally, the epic stops reducing your opponents actionpoints when you've promoted it to its last rank. The diamond still will reduce your opponents actionpoints by 1 as long as it's in play on rank 3. Worth spending blueprints on? I'd say yes!
Both, the epic elite and the diamond, have a very nice combination of starting in the frontline, dealing brutality damage and destroying all items on an enemy unit. Now the diamond improves attacking stats (+2 on all ranks) which is better since it's a brutal unit. The diamond also has the British final assault ability: It also deals damage on promote now. Finally, if you'd get this diamond to rank 3 and get to replay it again, it'll destroy all items on all units. It'll be no surprise that this card is at its best in a British infantry deck, It's not a bad investment to make it diamond, I think.
The diamond has better stats and better (and more) abilities. It doubles the damage to your opponent on promote. It also deals damage to your opponent when it enters play (the higher the rank, the more damage it deals). It looses the reinforced abiltiy! But the diamond is immune to infantry damage and the epic elite is not. If you're up against an enemy infantry unit/deck than this sure is a nice unit to have on your side. Overall, it's not a bad diamond, but not outstanding as well.
Although it may seem that there are not that many differences between the epic elite and the diamond, realize that this diamond is a beast. It improves stats on rank 2 and 3. Most important, it gains: "scorched air." Promoting this ship will cost your opponent an action point. As you can see the 1st promotion only cost 1. In a British navy deck this card can be devastating. Play it, promote it, promote it again and you've got yourself an 11-11 invincible ship waiting for its next turn. Your opponent will just have 1 action point to spend on its next turn. Definately worth crafting it.
It'll be no surprise that this diamond outscores the epic elite on all fronts. Is it better than the origanl diamond?
The original diamond has better defensive stats, but that's about it. The Battle Pass diamond is better: The original diamond only deals its grenade damage at the start of your turn. This diamond deals less (grenade) damage but it'll do so at the start and the end of your turn (same turn you've played it). Add it up and it'll outscore the original.
It's a nice addition to the game but still not my way to play it.
I'll understand if you'd craft it, but I won't,...
If you've unlocked this diamond then you're up for something special. Both the epic elite and this diamond are signature equipment (can be played for free!). Both medals allow the unit you equip it on to block planes as well. The diamond however will boost your other British units in play (just like the orginal diamond) which makes it much better than epic elite. Unless you're after a British Airforce deck then this is a very nice diamond. A lot of British units are (invincible) immune to combat damage, but aren't planes themselves. Finally, the stats of this diamond are worse than the original but rather good. This diamond is better than the original.
It takes 9 legendaries, 4.000 gold and 40 (expensive) stronghold blueprints to craft this diamond. Although the legendary elite deals more damage than this diamond does, it is much better. Why? Because the diamond allows you to be in control of the damage instead of your opponent. In short the diamond does its damage at the end of the turn. In other words: the same turn you've played it. The legendary elite will do its damage at the start of your next turn. So your opponents turn is in between. Worth crafting? Sure. I hope I never meet one of these in battle.
First thing you notice about this diamond is that use of it is limited to ships only. Second, to craft it, it'll require (expensive) sealord blueprints.
There are 2 differences between the epic elite and this diamond. The diamond gains brutality and gets better attacking stats. Which is of course exactly the combination you'd like. So far, non of the British ships are "brutal" by themselves. From that point of view this diamond would be a nice addition to your British Fleet. Worth crafting? Only if you're building a British navy deck.
Crafting this diamond requires (expensive) sealord blueprints. What do get for it in return? Now this diamond makes that very simple. You'll get to make one of your British units immune to combatdamage. Sidenote; You cannot equip it on an infantry unit or structure.
The epic elite has the same stats and has improved thicker which makes the unit you'd equip it on already harder to kill. But it's still possible to destroy it with (enough) combat damage. The diamond could be a life-saver so to my opinion it's definatly worth spending blueprints on.
I suppose this is one of the very best diamond items the British have. Stats are irrelevant, the ability is what this is about: You gain an extra action point! Now you'll receive it on the end of your turn and you'll get it at the start of your next turn. This is also the biggest difference between the legendary elite and the diamond: The legendary elite takes an additional turn to provide you with that extra action point and who knows what happens in between? The diamond is a guarantee. If you can equip this item for free than you're up for an advantage. If you can craft this one, sure do!
The diamond grenade provides far better stats. That's it.
Should you spend 20 blueprints to make it diamond for just better stats? I've always found better purposes to spend my blueprints on.
The victoria cross diamond is exactly the same as the epic elite is if you look at stats. The big difference is that the diamond gets: "commendation." This is what makes this diamond special! The diamond not only improves the stats of the unit it gets equipped on,... it'll also boost the stats of your other German units you have in play. The higher the rank of the unit on which you've equipped this item on, the bigger the boost. At rank 3 it'll boost your other German units in play by +3/+3. If you haven't unlocked the battle pass diamond then this item is definately worth spending your blueprints on.
If you'd compare this diamond to the legendary elite you'll see that both can be played for free (on British units of course).
The diamond however has better defensive stats and it gaines "death flames." The unit you'd equip it on can now kill an enemy infantry unit with the same (or lower) rank in combat. It's a nice addition but still requires some conditions that have to be met before it pays off. However, this diamond sure isn't a bad item to craft. But it also isn't on top of the list.
If you're not interested in a (combined) infantry deck than forget about crafting this diamond. If you are after such a deck then this order could be a great asset to your deck. This order doesn't specifically target British infantry so it can be used for other factions infantry cards as well.
Best thing about this diamond is that it can be played for free. It'll boost your infantry with a minor +1/+1 but it's free.
The diamond is better than the epic elite and (again) if you're after building a (combined) infantry deck than this card could be worth crafting.
Crafting this order requires 10 (expensive) stronghold blueprints. The diamond is much better than the epic elite. In fact, the epic elite is quite bad. The diamond provides you with a lot of options/possibilties which is what an order like this is supposed to to. Basically, it'll cripple the attacking stats of your enemy units. Crippling the damage from your enemy units may save your own. However, playing this order still costs 1 action point.
I'm not so sure about this diamond yet and I'll focus on diffent purposes now.
This diamond allows you to destroy an enemy unit with 3 or less health for free. Everything else is exactly the same on the legendary elite.
Getting 9 legendaries is almost a mission impossible. Crafting it into a diamond is another thing: It'll take very much blueprints to pull this off.
I'd say please search for other purposes to spend your blueprints on.
Well, you've got healing and you've massively healing. Both, the diamond and the legendary elite are able to massively heal. Of course, the diamond outscores the legendary elite.
The more action points you'd spend on this order the more life points it'll provide you and your units with. The more British units you have in play the more lifepoints it'll heal.
Now there's the dilemma: If you have plenty of British units in play, you'd probably don't need a healing order. If you're short on British units, then you'll probably need them very badly but then it'll provide less health. I won't craft it.
To my opinion, this is the best British order you can craft.
First of all, everytime this card shows up you'll know that you can boost all your British units in play with .1/+1 for free. In other words: You can always play this card!
The epic elite also provides 3 options: For 1 action point you can either boost your British units attacking or defensive stats by +4. For 2 action points you'll boost all your British units by +4/+4. The diamond keeps it simple: all British units +3/+3 for one action point or all British units +6/+6 for 2 action points. This diamond can be a game finisher. Craft it!