There are 2 differences between the epic elite and this diamond: First the diamond gets +1/+1 on all ranks. Second it gains the "Russian support unit" ability. Depending on its rank it 'll boost all your Soviet units at the start of your turn.
Although I'm not fond of units with promoting abilities turning into diamonds, I think this card is worth spending your blueprints on. Russians have many other cheap promoting options and this diamond has good skills. It'll perform great in any (combined) Russian infantry deck you'll make.
Crafting this card requires expensive stronghold blueprints. So what do you get in return?
The diamond improves +1/+1 on all ranks and it gets to be a Russian support unit. (it'll boost all your russian cards in play, including itself, the higher its rank the higer the boost).
The epic elite is good in a Russian infantry deck. The diamond is also good in it but can be useful in a Russian deck combined with infantry. As far I can tell this is the only Russian infantry unit with the "deploy" ability at this moment. I think it's a very nice addition to any (combined) Russian infantry deck you make.
The only difference between the epic elite and this diamond is that the diamond has the "fear" ability and the epic elite hasn't. It'll be no surprise that both the epic elite and the diamond are useful in a Russian Aircraft deck or a Russian deck combined with Russian aircraft.
In that case, you'll notice that its 1st promotion cost is very cheap (only 1 action point). So you'd probably make use of it very fast. If this card will return to you the fear ability triggers and it'll effect all enemy units.
If you're after a deck with Russian airforce in it, I think this card is worth crafting into a diamond.
If you'd compare this diamond to the epic elite you'll notice that it improves stats and it becomes a Russian elite ship.
This last ability is a boosting ability: It'll boost your other Russian ships in play (on promote) by +3/+3 and +5/+5. The first promotion is very cheap (only 1 action point!)
In other words if you're building a Russian navy deck than this is definately worth spending your blueprints on.
This Russian diamond gains the "target adquired" ability and that's it. On promote it'll destroy all enemy units with 4 or less health (to rank 2) and it'll destroy all enemy units with 7 or less health (to rank3) on its final promotion.
Promoting this unit costs 3 action points! Although there are cheaper ways possible you'd still wonder if you'd want to promote it because if it'll return to you won't be bad either. Still this diamond offers you a nice choice: Promote it and do damage, don't promote it and it'll promote another ship for you again. I'd like to give it a chance.
The diamond gains an ability over the legendary elite, called: "Soviet Tank Division." And,.. that's it!
So in a Russian (combined) armored deck this will gain you an action point. You could also say: Playing this unit is free as long as you have another Russian armored unit you can play next. It takes a massive amount of blueprints to craft this into a diamond. Still, if you're after building a (combined) Russian armored deck than you won't be sorry if you craft this unit in a diamond.
This diamond gains the "armor penetration 1" ability. Due to the december 2018 update it has gotten better stats as well, so its survivability increased.
This (diamond) structure will certainly destroy an opposing rank 1 (not aircraft) unit when it gets attacked.
Consedering the amount of expensive stronghold blueprints it requires to craft it into a diamond and what you get for it in return then I feel this completely outbalanced.
I'd stick with the epic elite and spend my blueprints differently,...
The diamond improves some stats: Attacking stats get +2, defensive stats get +4. It also improves its"armor penetration" ability: Instead of 2 it now becomes 3.
The improvement on the attacking stats is rather useless because this structure doesn't attack and it'll destroy any (non-flying) enemy unit when it gets attacked itself due to the armored penetration 3 ability. Better defensive stats could do a second killing for you. However any opponent will try to have it opposed by a different unit after the 1st killing I think. Overall, this diamond gives a guarnteed kill. It could be worth crafting I suppose.
To me, the epic elite already has the most important ability: It'll boost your other Russian infantry units on promote. The first promotion is only 1 action point. Both (the epic elite and the diamond) are great cards in a (combined) Russian infantry deck. Now the diamond improves some defensive stats but it also gains "Armor Penetration." I feel that the attacking stats of this unit aren't that spectaculair. But with the Armor Penetration ability it becomes a killer now itself and has a better chance for you to have it promoted to its final rank.
Diamond is good if you're into Russian infantry!
The diamond gets better attacking stats: +1 on all ranks. Being a sniper, this improvement already makes it better. It also gains "Target adquired" as an ability. On promote it'll destroy all enemy units with 4 or less health (on 1st promotion) and all enemy units with 7 or less health (on last promotion). Overall, I feel that this diamond provides you with an extra choice/opportunity on your turn, which is nice and an improvement. This diamond is surely better than the epic elite and could be worth crafting. Of course, it'll be on its best in a deck (combined) with Russian infantry.
You'll find the difference between this diamond and the epic elite version when you take a look at its abilities. First of all this diamond has "Russian Supplies" and the epic elite doesn't. This ability is a side-show. The real big difference is that the epic elite has "Russian Empower." which allows you to boost the stats of a single friendly Soviet unit. The diamond has "Improved Russian Bond", this will boost all your friendly Soviet armored units you have in play. Of course, it both abilities will only trigger when it comes into play. If you're into Russian Armor, then craft this one!
The diamond gets better stats, especially towards the improvement on attacking stats this is nice because it's a sniper unit. This diamond even becomes a "perfect sniper."
It'll shoot its attacking stats straight into the unit which you'll have it opposed to when you put it in play. The first promotion cost is cheap as well and it is able to block enemy aircraft. I think this diamond is definately worth crafting considering all abilities it has.
To make the best out of it, you should let it be a part of a (combined) Russian armored deck.
This diamond improves attacking stats which is nice because it's also a sniper. So first of all, the diamond is better! Next, it gains "Massive Sabotage." On its 1st promotion, it'll destroy all items equipped on enemy rank 1 units. On its final promotion it'll destroy all items equipped on enemy rank 2 units. To me this is a rather dissapointing ability.
Instead of crafting this diamond you'd better craft the awarded legendary elite version. This plane is (to my opinion) a much better addition to your Soviet Airforce deck than this diamond is.
Both the epic elite and this diamond are very fine additions to any Russian Nave deck you make. Due to its (both) cheap promotion costs it'll easily boost the strength of your other Russian ships you have in play.
The diamond has a bit better attacking stats (+1) on all ranks and it gains the "First to Battle" ability. So when you put it into play, it'll now be able to destroy (depending on its rank) an enemy unit as well. Crafting this card requires expensive sealord blueprints. I'd stick with the epic elite for now.
Crafting this diamond requires expensive Sealord blueprints! If you're after a (combined) Russian armored deck than I think it'll be worth effort: The epic elite is already a killer to my opinion due to its cheap promotion cost and the armor penetration ability it has. However, it's easiliy blocked and its own survivability is rather poor.
The diamond can be equipped for free. Which saves you an action point.
If I'd make a Russian (combined) armored deck I'd sure like to have this diamond in it.
The epic elite is already a great plane: It'll start in the frontline has cheap (1st) promotion cost and the next soviet aircraft unit you play, this turn, is for free.
The diamond gets much better stats: +1 on attack (on all ranks) and +3 on health (on nearly all ranks). It also gets to be an "Improved Soviet Comrade": It'll boost your life points on promote. Consedering the cheap 1st promotion cost this is a nice bargain. If you're building a russian airforce deck than this card is definately worth crafting into a diamond.
This diamond has better stats than the epic elite version. It also gains the "Massive Sabotage" abiltiy.
The most important ability it has is being a "Soviet Aircraft Master" which allows you to promote a friendly Soviet Aircraft unit when it comes into play. The epic elite already has that ability.
I'm not sure if crafting this into a diamond for better stats and a (to my opinion) poor ability is worth the blueprints.
But it's a nice addition to a Soviet Aircraft deck.
I can be very short about this diamond: It gets better stats on rank 2 and 3 (+1/+1) if you'd compare it to the legendary elite. It also heals health points to you on promote.
Crafting requires a huge amount of expensive sealord blueprints!
What it takes to craft and what you get for it in return is bad.
Don't spend your blueprints on this diamond and stick with the legendary elite.
This is probably one of (if not) the best Russian diamond(s) you can craft.
- You'll play it in the frontline, it captures the unit it is facing (of course always the key card of your opponent has on the battlefield) and then it'll shoot unblockable damage into your opponent.
- Next turn it'll capture that same unit again and it'll shoot again unblockable damage
If you can't destroy it from your support line, or spy it or get rid of it then you're up for trouble.
The only difference between this diamond and the legendary elite is that the diamond has the "Soviet Redemption" ability and the legendary elite hasn't. Crafting this card into a diamond requires a huge amount of expensive sealord blueprints.
Of course this diamond will be at its best in a (combined) Russian Navy deck, but the Soviet Redemption ability will boost all your Soviet units in play on promote. It's certainly not a bad improvement. This diamond is really better than the legendary elite. But crafting cost? I don't know
The diamond improvest stats: a little on rank 1, more on rank 2 and considerably on rank 3 (+2/+2). It also becomes a "perfect" sniper. As it comes into play it ll deliver the amount of damage equal to its attacking stats (depending on it rank) to the enemy unit opposing it. So basically, this come into play effect can destroy that enemy unit straight away!
The legendary elite isn't "perfect" if you look at it from that point of view. In a (combined) Russian infantry deck this diamond could be a very nice addition to it.
Crafting it into a diamond seems worth the effort (to me).
The diamond gets +1 health on all ranks if you'd compare it to the legendary elite. It also gets to be a Soviet Comrade: On promote you'll get 5 lifepoints (1st promotion) and 10 lifepoints (last) promotion). As you can see promoting this unit is very cheap (only 1 actionpoint to every rank).
I don't feel that this newly gained ability is worth crafting it into a diamond. The legendary elite already has the ability you want it to have (leader of propaganda) which allows you to play a next Soviet unit for free.
My advice: Stick with the legendary elite.
If you get to replay this diamond unit on rank 3,.. then (having crafted it into a diamond) really pays off.
This is huge condition that has to be met.
To keep it short: I don't think this diamond is worth crafting!
The diamond gets better stats on rank 2 and 3. It also becomes a "perfect" sniper. As it comes into play it ll deliver the amount of damage equal to its attacking stats (depending on it rank) to the enemy unit opposing it. So basically, this come into play effect can destroy that enemy unit straight away! The second promotion will only cost 1 action point.
I think it's worth crafting into a diamond and it will be a very nice addition to any (combined) russian infantry deck you'd make.
The only thing that this diamond has over the epic elite version is the "First to Battle" ability.
The best ability on this (epic elite and diamond) unit is of course that it's a Russian elite tank. On promote it'll boost your other Russian armored units in play with +3/3 (1st) promotion and +5/+5 (last). As you can see promoting this unit is very cheap (only 1 action point for all ranks).
As it has reached rank 3 and finished its boosting ability the diamond has a nice come into play effect again.
However, if it's worth crafting? I don't know.
This Russian diamond gets far better stats on all ranks. It also gets the "Russian final Assault" ability and a better sabotage ability on rank 3. This last improvement is nice but you'd first have to promote it to its final rank and then get to replay it again before you'd benefit from it. The Russian final Assault ability will damage your opponent every time you'd promote this unit. The more Russian units you have in play, the more damage you'll do. First promotion is cheap. Still I'm not sure if this diamond is worth crafting into a diamond. I can think of better options.
This is a good diamond worth crafting if you're building a (combined) Russian infantry deck. It not only improves its defensive stats but also gets the "reinforced" ability replaced by the "thicker" ability. It's now better protected and a lot harder to kill. But the best has yet to come: This diamond gets to be a Russian elite infantry unit! On promote, it'll boost the stats of your other Russian infantry units in play. I like this combination of better survivability and boosting power.
If you're building a (combined) Russian infantry deck then you'd want this card diamond. Worth crafting? Yes!
This diamond comes with a lot of improvements: It has (far) better stats and 2 abilities have been made better. Forget about the "Improved Soviet Comrade", it's nice but a side-show. The real improvement here lies in the "Improved Shock Effect" ability. At the end of your turn it'll now deal more (shock)damage to the enemy unit in the same lane. This diamond is perfect for protecting a structure (for example) you put in front of it. I like the diamond better than the epic elite and I'd sure consider crafting it.
If you'd compare this diamond to the epic elite version than you'll see that it gets better stats: +1/+1 on all ranks.
It also gets a better "improved reload" ability. It deals more damage when it comes into play. If you're lucky it'll even do this damage twice.
I feel that the main ability this unit has is already on the epic elite (Soviet Redemption) combined with the 1st (cheap) promotion cost is really nice. Realize that crafting this ship into a diamond requires expensive (sealord) blueprints. I think I'd stick with the epic elite.
It'll be no surprise that this diamond outscores the epic elite on all fronts. Is it better than the origanl diamond?
The original diamond has better defensive stats, but that's about it. The Battle Pass diamond is better: The original diamond only deals its grenade damage at the start of your turn. This diamond deals less (grenade) damage but it'll do so at the start and the end of your turn (same turn you've played it). Add it up and it'll outscore the original.
It's a nice addition to the game but still not my way to play it.
I'll understand if you'd craft it, but I won't,...
This diamond (battle pass) medal is surely better than the epic elite: It'll not only boost the unit you equip it on, it also will boost all your other Russian units in play.
But is it better than the (diamond) original? I do think so.
The original gives better (especially defensive) stats to the unit you'll equip it on but that's it. This battle pass medal hasn't really poor stats itself, it's also signature equipment (you can play it for free) and it gives the unit "reinforced" so that kind of makes up.
Is it worth crafting over the epic elilte? Yes, it is
Is it better than the original? Yes, again.
Compare this diamond item to the epic elite and you'll see quite some differences:
1) It improves stats, especially the better attacking stats are most welcome because this is a sniper item!
2) The diamond becomes signature equipment for Russian ships only (you can play it for free)
If you're building a Russian Navy deck than this item is surely worth crafting into a diamond. Even though the crafting cost will require expensive (sealord) blueprints!
This diamond item will provide the unit, you equip it on with better stats. It gets an additional +1/+1 on all ranks.
That's it.
Of course, the question rises if this improvement is worth crafting into a diamond?
I don't think so!
To keep it simple: The epic elite already has the ability you want: "Armor Penetration III"
The unit you equip it on will destroy any opposing unit in combat.
The diamond improves the stats of the unit you'll equip it on as well. But crafting it requires expensive (sealord) blueprints!
Worth crafting? Absolutely not!
Crafting this diamond requires 9 legendary which have to be crafted into 3 legendary elite cards first. It'll be no surprise that this will take a lot of your resources to craft this item into a diamond. What you get out of this diamond item is dissapointing: You get better stats and only on rank 2 and 3 the attacking stats get a +1.
Making the legendary elite is worth your blueprints for sure! Crafting the diamond is a waste of your resources.
The diamond grenade provides far better stats. That's it.
Should you spend 20 blueprints to make it diamond for just better stats? I've always found better purposes to spend my blueprints on.
The diamond orderr of glory is exactly the same as the epic elite is if you look at stats. The big difference is that the diamond gets: "commendation." This is what makes this diamond special! The diamond not only improves the stats of the unit it gets equipped on,... it'll also boost the stats of your other Russian units you have in play. The higher the rank of the unit on which you've equipped this item on, the bigger the boost. At rank 3 it'll boost your other Russian units in play by +3/+3. Definately worth spending your blueprints on. However, I prefer the battle pass diamond!
There are 2 differences between this diamond and the epic elite version:
1. The diamond provides better defensive stats (+1 on all ranks)
2. The diamond also provides the "reinforced" ability.
This is a nice combination!
Overall, it's definately not a bad investment to craft it into a diamond. Actually, I'd like it pretty much.
The diamond is better than the epic elite. That's for sure.
It 'll destroy one enemy unit with 7 attack or less for one action point or it'll destroy all enemy units with 7 attack or less for 2 action points.
Now the best option it has costs 2 action points,..
And the success of this diamonds depends on (the lack) of attackings stats of your enenmy units,...
I'm having serious doubts if this diamond is worth crafting,
This is an absolutely must-have diamond for every pure infantry deck (no matter what faction) you make!
- The epic elite will target all units and players
- This diamond will targett all units and players except infantry units.
Crafting the legendary elite requires sealord blueprints.
Crafting this diamond requires stronghold blueprints.
It'll be clear that crafting this into a diamond will require a lot of your resources.
What you get is an opportunity to directly damage your opponent. The damage you'll do depends on the number of Soviet units you have in play. Multiply it times 5 and you'll know the amount of damage you're doing. The legendary elite has to multiplied by 4.
But still, spending such an amount of blueprints on it?
I surely won't.
The legendary card already gives me what I want: To get rid of a specific enemy unit my opponent has in play.
Frankly speaking: It never bothered me that much whether my opponent got 6 lifepoints in return or 2 (which is what the legendary elite and this diamond will do).
The diamond also gives you the opportunity to reduce an enemy units attack by 3 for free. Your opponent will be rewarded with 2 lifepoints if you'd do so.
I'm at 17 legends this moment and I think I'll keep it that way.
This diamond is definately on my want-to-craft list!
The crafting only costs 10 stronghold blueprints and what you get is really good to my opinion.
The diamond provides 3 options: Play it for free (nice!) and it'll weaken all enemy units by -1/-1. Spend 1 or 2 action point(s) on it and it'll weaken all enemy units by -4/-4 or -8/-8.
The epic elite has 3 options as well. But not a free one and you have to spend 3 action points to do the same weakening the diamond does with one action point less.
Surely worth crafting.